Effect of Movement Education on Attitude Toward Physical Activity and Physical Fitness 인문 · 사회과학편 : 움직임교육(敎育)이 아동의 신체활동(身體活動)에 대한 태도(態度)와 기초체력(基礎體力)에 미치는 효과(效果)
29(1) 15-24, 1990
Effect of Movement Education on Attitude Toward Physical Activity and Physical Fitness 인문 · 사회과학편 : 움직임교육(敎育)이 아동의 신체활동(身體活動)에 대한 태도(態度)와 기초체력(基礎體力)에 미치는 효과(效果)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate attitude toward physical activity and physical fitness levels of children participating in movement education (ME) program and traditional physical education. The subjects were 115 fourth grade students who were taught regular curricular physical activity either by a movement education approach or by a traditional approach The CATPS (Children Attitude Toward Physical Activity) and skinfold, sit-ups, sit and reach, and 1000m run tests were administered to children as pre-and post-tests 2×2 (Teaching approach x Sex) factorial analysis of variance were performed on each child’s mean scores. Movement education approach group was significantly better than traditional teaching group in positive change of attitude toward physical activity F (1, 111)=24.86, p<.01 However, there were no other significant differences on the skinfold measure, sit-ups, sit and reach, and 1000m run between movement education approach group and traditonal teaching group. These results suggest that when teaching objective is to change attitude toward physical activity positively, movement education approach is better than traditional teaching approach.
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The Effects of Command, Task and Small Group Teaching Styles on Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor Domain in Basketball 인문 · 사회과학편 : 초등학교(初等學校) 운동학습(運動學習) 지도방법(指導方法) 유형(類型)에 따른 체육학습(體育學習) 효과연구(效果硏究)
29(1) 25-32, 1990
The Effects of Command, Task and Small Group Teaching Styles on Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor Domain in Basketball 인문 · 사회과학편 : 초등학교(初等學校) 운동학습(運動學習) 지도방법(指導方法) 유형(類型)에 따른 체육학습(體育學習) 효과연구(效果硏究)
This study carried out for the test the effects of Mosston`s Teaching style ; command, task and small group in terms of psychomotor domain, cognitive domain and affective domain development of fifth grade children.
126 children(boy : 72, girl : 54) randomly assigned to three groups for "alley basketball" task
After six weeks of teaching in basketball, Children were measured AAHPERS tests on basketball skill, the researcher-made knowledge test and physical estimation and attraction scale.
T-test and ANOVA test were applied to identify the difference among the teaching styles.
The results of the analysis were as follows :
1. All group of the three teaching styles significantly improved over the course of training in psychomotor domain (p<0.01)
2. Task teaching style showed to be an effective instruction strategy in cognitive domain(p<0.01).
3. No significant differences among the three teaching styles in affective domain.
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The Plan of the Activation of the Train of it's Leaders 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) 활성화(活性化) 및 사회체육(社會體育) 지도자(指導者) 육성방안(育成方案)
This study was undertaken to discuss the activation of community sports and the training of the leaders concerned properly. 1510 adults served as subjects in the study.
The implications of the study are as follows :
1. Community sports must be activated and directed through communities and schools in terms of research. organization, facilities. management and administration.
2. Community sports leaders must be trained in considering their academic careers and professional capacities.
3. 32.2% of Korean people enjoy exercises in their school days and 30.1% of them keep on enjoying exercises after finishing schools. 35.1% of them participate in sport activities by themselves, while 20.6% of them enjoy them with their families. 36.2% of them don`t exercises because of no time to enjoy them.
4. 33.4% of them have recreational paras in their communities and 25.2% of them make use of them. 78.8% of them show the need for betterment of the parks. 74.6% of them want facilities extension and 45.9% of them use Physical education facilities in schools.
5. 76.3% of them recognize the need for community sports leaders 40.3% of them prefer their good qualification and enthusiasm, while 30.8% of them want their professional skills.
6. They come by information about leisure activities through TV and radio on the basis of 42.8% ; through newspapers and magazines, 34.6%.
They consider the easy and graceful attitude on the basis of 51.8%. They regard the full scope to enjoy leisure time activities as early on the basis of 44.0%.
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The Analysis of the Actual Condition of School Physical Examination 인문 · 사회과학편 : 학교(學校) 신체검사(身體檢査)의 실태현황(實態現況) 분석(分析) - 인문고(人文高) 중심(中心)으로 -
29(1) 47-52, 1990
The Analysis of the Actual Condition of School Physical Examination 인문 · 사회과학편 : 학교(學校) 신체검사(身體檢査)의 실태현황(實態現況) 분석(分析) - 인문고(人文高) 중심(中心)으로 -
The purpose of this paper is to study the chest time of student`s growth, the rank of their size, their nutritious condition, and protection of their sightedness, comparing the same age with standing height including the measurement of their constitution, such as height Volume, girth in school physical fitness. For this purpose, the tracing data from the K-high school 280 students living in Seoul downtown was randomly collected and analyzed.
Its result are as follows :
First, the standing height of their statue, body weight, and sitting statue were the most developed in 12 or 13 age yearly. but afterwards they showed the weakening phenomenon more and more, while their growth of chest indicated the most progressin 15-16 age.
Second, the percentile of abnormal students about sightedness showed that their sight would decrease by degrees of 0.2% or so, as the grade. the change of ale, advances.
Therefore, the measure to prevent abnormal students of sightedness from tiredness of eyes under the bright light should be taken.
Third, index of bodily physique indecated that heavy students were more than slender ones. such as very slender students occupied 8.69% slender students 16.01%, normal students 43.97%, heavy students 10.65%, very heavy students 23.63%.
Therefore, many efforts to keep students from getting heavy through proper nutrition and regular exercises should be made for the balance of constitution.
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A Study on Creative Dance and Teaching Method for Development of Cognition for Children. (Aged 4 ∼ 6) 인문 · 사회과학편 : 인지발달을 위한 창작 무용지도 방법에 관한 연구 (유치원 아동을 중심으로)
29(1) 53-61, 1990
A Study on Creative Dance and Teaching Method for Development of Cognition for Children. (Aged 4 ∼ 6) 인문 · 사회과학편 : 인지발달을 위한 창작 무용지도 방법에 관한 연구 (유치원 아동을 중심으로)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the children who have a lot of imagination without overcome competition, self-contentment. This could result in a creative dance teaching method for development of cognitive thinking.
This study analyzes the general goals of children education such as the stage of conception. the reciprocal relation to the stage of cognitive development, and dance education, By using an example like a dance program, we can determine the development of cognition.
According to this study the cognition is not Solely depended upon an intellegence. It is a process of human mentality and system of knowledge(=mental). Therefore, role of cognition is mainly is an intellegence, society, emotion, and physical behavior of human.
Generally, if a level of education is higher than elementary stage, need of logic and consistency and ability to think is the must. But when it comes to child education, it should give an opportunity based on development of ability of logic. Because of this fact, dance education of children must be organized in direction of development of cognition.
However, coqnitive development of in child could change depending on an age and an experience. So, it is essential that one makes a completer observation and to record that observation continally. By keeping a record. one can organize an adeguate dance content for different individuals based on their individual differences.
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A survey of Leisure Activities on Students at Korea Military Officer Academy 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사관학교(士官學校) 생도(生徒)의 여가활동(餘暇活動)의 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
이준수JoonSooLee , 오일영IlYoungOh
29(1) 63-77, 1990
A survey of Leisure Activities on Students at Korea Military Officer Academy 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사관학교(士官學校) 생도(生徒)의 여가활동(餘暇活動)의 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
이준수JoonSooLee , 오일영IlYoungOh
The following concluions have been drawn from the materials of response to questionnaires which were developed and distributed to students of Korea Military Officer Academy to investigate the status of leisure activities and managements.
1. During Weekdays, leisure activities were done after dinner. On weekends, however, afternoon was most preferred.
2. Weekdqys used liesure activities were in order of reading, appreciation music. military arts training. Weekends were in order of sleeping, Physical activity. appreciation music.
3. Readings were in order of novel, cultural books, forty & essay. warbooks and joining look throughts of T.V program were in order of movies, show, comedy.
4. Information of leisure activities were gained by friends and mass communications, always of reasons not joining were in order of lack of time, physical fatigue.
5. The preference joining activities in sports were in order of tennis, bowling.
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Analyzing the historical Development of the National Dance Company 인문 · 사회과학편 : 초기(初期) 국립무용단(國立舞踊團) 활동(活動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 신무용(新舞踊)의 흐름과 발전과정(發展過程)을 중심(中心)으로 -
29(1) 79-88, 1990
Analyzing the historical Development of the National Dance Company 인문 · 사회과학편 : 초기(初期) 국립무용단(國立舞踊團) 활동(活動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 신무용(新舞踊)의 흐름과 발전과정(發展過程)을 중심(中心)으로 -
According to the foundation, studied and presented in the main point, defining the historical stream and opportunity that the National Dance Company was newly established as due to the efforts by dancers’ own will, it is thought that it is the unnoticeable fact to provide for the opportunities of many errors and reflections along with the abrupt response to the early new history of dance and the quantitative expansion of dance experts.
But the take off of the present dance circle to remarkable and worldwide travel will be attributable to the great services of the present dancers who firmly hold good positions as the veterans. A Korean government joined in such a historical stream, and the early National Dance Company. on it the structural analysis of the early National Dance Company that realized the will of a large number of public performance activities only with such energetic opportunities provided. has made use of the unfavorable and passive opportunities of benefit with patience and of the situation of crisis as the provision for the chance of development.
In conclusion, it is shown that, as the result of analyzing the public performing activities of dancers, judgement of critics and performance repartory, the early dancers have attempted to accomodate the work-creating activity, not systematic work-activity and foreign dances randomly, and the artistic activities of veterans at present provide us with the period that provides for the opportunity to make a clear distinction. The conclusion was reached that the historical establishment of art in this paper lead to it that "today’s work-creation will produce tomorrow tradition", "the imposition of the opportunity to act artistic work on national dimension imports the benefits to enjoy spiritual art to the nation and dancers themselves came to establish the National Dance Company as one of many results that they developed and changed the korean dance circle with passion and identity.
As we study the dance groups under the umbrella of the Korea government constantly in the future. we will attempt to find out the future-oriented plan and have to make endeavours to attempt academical formulation.
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Consideration of Social Background and Sport Participation in Male University Student. College of Physical Education Dong-A Univ 인문 · 사회과학편 : 남자(男子) 대학생(大學生)의 사회계층(社會階層)적 배경(背景)과 스포츠 참여(參與)에 관한 고찰(考察)
29(1) 89-96, 1990
Consideration of Social Background and Sport Participation in Male University Student. College of Physical Education Dong-A Univ 인문 · 사회과학편 : 남자(男子) 대학생(大學生)의 사회계층(社會階層)적 배경(背景)과 스포츠 참여(參與)에 관한 고찰(考察)
The purpose of this study was to explore consideration of social class background and sport participation of College students. This Study will examine effects that backgrounds of social class, which is classified into high, middle and lower class, have on primary and secondary sport participation, It will also deal with correlation among frequency, duration and intensity of sport participation which determines its degree.
The related data have been collected and analyzed through random sampling.
The subjects of this study was divided into two groups ; One is ordinary college students and the other athletes. For this study two universities were randomly sompled among pusan-located Universities As for the former group. one department was randomly sampled from college of Liberal Arts and college of Natural sciences respectively And then a total of 155 male Students of all classes were sampled.
The latter group were sampled also in the same universities mention above.
It consists of colleges athlets registered in the susan city Amateur sports, Association under Korean Amateur Sports Association.
This group was again categorized into three Sub-groups according to type of sports, totalling 55 male athletes.
A statistical method, X2-test, one way ANOVA was employed in this study.
The conclustion of this study were as follows ;
1. Primary sport participation was significantly high in men of lower class on level of p<0.04.
2. There was not significantly shown relation of social class background and preference of secondary sport participation.
3. In lower class, degree of sport participation was not significantly high in men.
4. Duration of sports turned out to be significantly high in men of lower class on level of p<0.01.
5. In category of degree of athletic activities no significance was shown in men of lower class.
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A History of Modern educational dance. - focusing upon modern naturalism in education - 인문 · 사회과학편 : 近代 敎育舞踊史 硏究
29(1) 97-113, 1990
A History of Modern educational dance. - focusing upon modern naturalism in education - 인문 · 사회과학편 : 近代 敎育舞踊史 硏究
The purpose of this study is to document the development of modern educational dance focusing upon modern naturalism in education. from two angles.
One is the aspect of a form of art education, the other is that of a form of physical education.
The result is as following :
1. Jean-Jacque Rousseau who helped to establish philanthropic view of education emphasized the importance of physical education.
His thoughts exactlly the naturalistic view of education were made to introduce Greek thoughts into adulation And under the aspect of human nature improvement human movement was made to introduce dance into education.
2. The natural activity philosophy in physical education emphasized the individual.
Rejecting formal gymnastic systems, physical educator began designing programs based on self-expressive activities in which students of any skill level could participate.
Ballet and aesthetic dance also were seen to be associated with formal gymnastics and meaningless drills. Because of the fact, Isadora Duncan and many dance educators maintained the creative aspects and beg to enlarge on themes of movement.
As a result of the movement, the growth of dance in the schools was enhanced and became an important part of the physical education curriculum.
3. Since the modern times, with the naturalistic view of education, gymnastics in schools became to require regimented and precise drills as well as health.
But while education was resisting traditional practice and becoming "progressive" in its approach to teaching and learning, physical education was rejecting the formalism of various gymnastic systems.
With the natural movement in physical education. dance began to take the place of gymnastics and gymn received the distinctive feature of dancing positively so up to date, gymnastics and dancing in schools are confused and cooperated mutually.
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Effect of Different Cutoff Scores on Validity and Reliability of Criterion - referenced Test 인문 · 사회과학편 : 분류기준(分類基準)(Cutoff score)의 차이가 준거지향검사(準據指向檢査)의 신뢰도(信賴度)와 타당도(妥當度)에 미치는 효과
29(1) 115-122, 1990
Effect of Different Cutoff Scores on Validity and Reliability of Criterion - referenced Test 인문 · 사회과학편 : 분류기준(分類基準)(Cutoff score)의 차이가 준거지향검사(準據指向檢査)의 신뢰도(信賴度)와 타당도(妥當度)에 미치는 효과
The present study was attempted to construct and evaluate a criterion-referenced Badminton Clear Test for Athletes at the intermediate level. 60 subjects received a total of 10serves over a rope stretched 14 feet across the court from the net and 8 feet high. The target markings consist of 4.5×4.5 felts toward the not from the doubles rear service line Each service return was considered a trial, and scored as 0 for a service return dropped outside toward target mark, and as 1 for a service return dropped inside.
Specific techniques for estimating validity and reliability in a criterion-referenced evaluation were applied to the data, and Berk’s method was used in establishing an optimal cutoff score. The validity estimate was. 64 and reliability estimates were K= .71 and P= .87, Based on the second 10 service returns, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cutoff scores were used for designing masters and nonmasters to the subjects.
It was concluded that the validity abd reliability coefficients of Badminton clear Test are influenced on the differenct cutoff scores and the most appropriate cutoff score is 3.
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A Comparative Study on Personality Traits of the Group of Majoring in Dance and the Group of Majoring in Gymnastics 인문 · 사회과학편 : 무용전공집단(舞踊專攻集團)과 체조전공집단(體操專攻集團)의 성격(性格) 특성(特性)에 관한 비교연구(比較硏究) - 서울시내(市內) 여자(女子) 중학생(中學生)을 대상(對象)으로 -
29(1) 123-136, 1990
A Comparative Study on Personality Traits of the Group of Majoring in Dance and the Group of Majoring in Gymnastics 인문 · 사회과학편 : 무용전공집단(舞踊專攻集團)과 체조전공집단(體操專攻集團)의 성격(性格) 특성(特性)에 관한 비교연구(比較硏究) - 서울시내(市內) 여자(女子) 중학생(中學生)을 대상(對象)으로 -
This study aims to investigate and analyze personality traits of the group of majoring in dance and the group of majoring in gymnastics.
108 students of majoring in dance, 43 students of majoring in gymnastics and 124 general students selected at random from 5 middle school girls participated in research and study of it through the Cattell`s 16 source traits to result in the followings :
1. The group of majoring in dance are higher in affectia, protension, parmia, high ergic tension than the group of majoring in gymnastics. And the group of majoring in gymnastics are higher in higher ego strength than the group of majoring in dance.
2. The group of majoring in dance are higher in affectia, higher ergic tension than the group of majoring in gymnastics. And the general students are higher in high intelligence, premsia than the group of majoring in dance.
3. The group of majoring in gymnastics are higher in higher ego strength than the general students. And the general students are higher in high intelligence, parmia, premsia than the group of majoring in gymnastics.
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A Study on the natures of the modern School physical Education in Korea - Centered on the mtional physical Education - 인문 · 사회과학편 : 근대학교(近代學校) 체육(體育)의 특성(特性) 연구(硏究) - 민족체육(民族體育)을 중심(中心)으로 -
29(1) 137-150, 1990
A Study on the natures of the modern School physical Education in Korea - Centered on the mtional physical Education - 인문 · 사회과학편 : 근대학교(近代學校) 체육(體育)의 특성(特性) 연구(硏究) - 민족체육(民族體育)을 중심(中心)으로 -
In Korea, the period from around the last quarter of the 19th centry to the first decade of the 20 th century generally corresponds to the period of getting "civilized" or "westernized".
The period in Korea is characterized by efforts trying to establish a self-reliant modern state while introducing modern Western civilization. In the process of getting "civilized" Korean people launched a movement for being strengthened by means of education, and physical education as a part of the education was taking on strong nationalistic characters as needed by te situation of the times. Such characters were represented in various aspects : military gymnastics was educated at gymnastics class in Korean modern school, and especially students in schools managed by patriots were trained to make their country more powerful and stronger, and through various athletic meetings students were inspired with the independence spirit.
Against these backdrops Korean physical education had to experience many difficulties and ordeals, and lack of understanding of physical education caused many episodes.
Stimulated by the establishment of modern schools by civilians, Korean king also proclaimed an Imperial Edict for education and it was immediately followed by te proclamation of regulations of several types of schools.
With these procedures Korean Physical education officially started with title of "gymnastics class".
Korean modern schools include elementary school, high school, girls’ high school, teacher training school, vocational school, foreign language schools and so on. On the whole, these schools had common features in having initially educated gymnastics to students on an optional basis and having developed it to adopt it later as a compulsory class.
As far as contents of physical education concerned, asimple military gymnastics developed into a normal school gymnastics, and "manual for teaching school gymnastics" was published to insure an unified and systematic method of teaching school gymnastics, and also ideological phase of physical education was taught through various kinds of academic journals.
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A Longitudinal Survey on the Annual Sunshin Surroundings and Indoor Illumination - Focusing on the Classrooms of Five Schools in JeonJu 인문 · 사회과학편 : 연간(年間) 일조환경(日照環境)과 교실내(敎室內) 조도(照度)에 관한 종단적(縱斷的) 조사(調査) - 전주시내(全州市內) 5개(個) 학교(學校) 교사(校舍)를 중심(中心)으로 -
29(1) 151-162, 1990
A Longitudinal Survey on the Annual Sunshin Surroundings and Indoor Illumination - Focusing on the Classrooms of Five Schools in JeonJu 인문 · 사회과학편 : 연간(年間) 일조환경(日照環境)과 교실내(敎室內) 조도(照度)에 관한 종단적(縱斷的) 조사(調査) - 전주시내(全州市內) 5개(個) 학교(學校) 교사(校舍)를 중심(中心)으로 -
In order to find out the annual illumination change of classroom of 5 schools, we measured the change of sunshine circumstances of 9, 12, 15 o`clock on everyday and the amount of indoor illumination by the Lux meter longitudinally
The results are as follows
1. Annual illumination of classroom is influenced by the location of building, classroom surroundings, direction and bulk of lighting.
2. In case of Korea, it is desirable to construct a building southward. But it is all right whether it is east or westward
3. In order to supplement the insufficiency, we need to research the measures longitadinally, especilly when artifical lighting has to be on because of sunshine surroundings.
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A Study on the Movement Education of Children as a Creative Expression 인문 · 사회과학편 : 창의적(創意的)인 표현운동(表現運動)을 중심(中心)으로 한 아동(兒童)의 움직임 교육(敎育)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
29(1) 163-170, 1990
A Study on the Movement Education of Children as a Creative Expression 인문 · 사회과학편 : 창의적(創意的)인 표현운동(表現運動)을 중심(中心)으로 한 아동(兒童)의 움직임 교육(敎育)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study is to guide the creative expression by understanding and identifing the essence of movement education.
For this purpose, this study clssifies the movement education by the kind of expression.
First, the movement education allows the child to establish the relationships with his partner and other people.
Second, the movement education makes the child to embody his own emotion or feeling naturally with the image.
Third, the movement education leads the child to move himself feeling the music and instrument sound.
And the way of the movement education is to give many opportunities to the child in the free situation to find out an expression movement actively through presentation, search, embodyment.
The teacher to teach the movement education tries to make use of the various instruction media to encourage the personality of the child.
Especially in the estimation, the teacher had better focus on the child`s attitude, not the ability in order to give child the confidence.
Anyway though the program of eht movement education is good, the effect of the education is in vain without the efforts of the teacher.
Consequently the teacher in the instruction job has to do his best to find out the effective teaching way theough anlysing the new instruction program exactly.
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The study of social mobility and consciousness of social stratum about pro - baseball players in Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국(韓國) 프로야구선수의 사회이동(社會移動)과 계층의식(階層意識)에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究)
The study of social mobility and consciousness of social stratum about pro - baseball players in Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국(韓國) 프로야구선수의 사회이동(社會移動)과 계층의식(階層意識)에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究)
It is the purpose of this paper that understand positively social mobility and consciousness of social stratum about pro-baseball players in korea. for this, their class of orign, social mobility, process of status attainment and consciousness of social stratum was investigated and analyzed. The result is as follows.
1. As we find the measure of status in vocation of fathers, the class of origin in pro-baseball players was found as 12.8% of the upper class, 41.5% of the middle class and 45.6% of the lower class. in the educational level of fathers, it was found as 24.2% of high schooling, 40. 6% of middle schooling and 35.2% of low schooling. Therefore their class of origin usually belongs to the lower calss and the middle class.
2. Compared with the educational level of fathers and sons in social mobility between generations, son’s generation greatly moved toward the upper part (middle schooling 28.8%, high schooling 71.2%). and in the relation of age, education, variable of income and social mobility, it was appeared that thirties possessing much careers than the class of youngster in age, the class of high schooling in the level of education and the large income earner in the revenue have improved more then fathers generation in socio-economic status.
3. In the process of status attainment, the vocational status of fathers reaching to their son’s education and the education of sons reaching to their own vocational status was highly discovered as 62.6% and 74.0% respectively, moreover, when their academic career is high, it was appeared that socio-economic status of fathers or their own education are much effective in their vocational achievement, and it was appeared that socio-economic status of fathers does not affect to their son’s vocation.
therefore, it was appeared that the achievment of status in pro-baseball players affects largely rather achieved factors than ascribed factors.
4. Between the variable of level of education, income and age and the consciousness of social stratum in pro-baseball players, most have consciousness of reversion toward middle class or rank.
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The Effect of Long - Term Rope Skipping on the Physical Work Capacity 자연과학편 : 장기간(長期間)의 줄넘기 훈련(訓練)이 운동수행능력(運動遂行能力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
고기채KiChaeKoh , 손흥기HeungKiSohn , 최성근SungKeunChoi
29(1) 13-32, 1990
The Effect of Long - Term Rope Skipping on the Physical Work Capacity 자연과학편 : 장기간(長期間)의 줄넘기 훈련(訓練)이 운동수행능력(運動遂行能力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
고기채KiChaeKoh , 손흥기HeungKiSohn , 최성근SungKeunChoi
The purpose of this study was to test the effect of rope skipping on physical work capacity. 30 physical education students at K-university were selected and divided into two groups : One was the control group with 15 students and the other was the training group with 15 students. Rope skipping was performed by 15 students of the training group everyday once in the morning and afternoon except on Saturday and Sunday.
For the first four weeks the training group jumped rope at a rate of 150 times per minute for 5 minutes. For the next eight weeks at intervals of 4 weeks the training time was increased by two minutes for workout periods of 7 and 9 minutes respectively. To evaluate the change of body composition, skin fold thickness, fat percentage and lean body mass of each member was measured.
To evaluate the change of physical fitness, leg strength, arm strength, back strength, power, flexibility and ability of each member was measured. To estimate the change of physical work capacity, heart rate, ventilation, respiratory frequency all out time and PWC170 of each member was measured by using a cycle ergometer.
A test of each participant’s physical examination was conducted once before and after the experiment.
The results of data analysis are as follows :
1) Weight, skinfold thickness and body fat of each member of the training group decreased significantly more than those of the control group.
2) No significant change was revealed in leg strength, arm strength, back strength, power, flexibility and agility of each member in the control group, while change of those in the training group increased significantly after the 12 weeks experimentation.
3) All out time, running distance and PWC170 of those in the training group increased significantly while all out time, running distance and PWC170 for those in the control group decreased.
4) Heart rate during rest, exercise and recovery significantly decreased for those in the training group while heart rate for those in the control remained the same.
5) Ventilation during rest, exercise and recovery for those in the training group significantly increased while ventilation for those in the control group remained the same.
6) The respiratory frequency of those in the training group decreased to a rate lower than to those in the control group, but the result was not significant.
Based on the result of the experiment, body fat of those in the training group decreased, physical fitness significantly increased and respiratory circulation of the training group improved. Therefore, a-12-week period of rope skipping revealed to be effective exercise.
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The Study of Effective Coaching on the Hurdle Race in Track and Field 자연과학편 : 장애물경기(障碍物競技) (Hurdle Race)의 효과적(效果的)인 지도방법(指導方法)에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究) - 스텝, 발구름, 공중 착지동작을 중심으로 -
29(1) 33-49, 1990
The Study of Effective Coaching on the Hurdle Race in Track and Field 자연과학편 : 장애물경기(障碍物競技) (Hurdle Race)의 효과적(效果的)인 지도방법(指導方法)에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究) - 스텝, 발구름, 공중 착지동작을 중심으로 -
This study was done for an effective step and stamping, Hurdling landing point coaching in hurdle race.
Male Middle School student, 40 boys, Player 20 boys were subjects for study.
Their hurdle race records, steps between hurdle and hurdle, take off, in the air, and landing were measured and analyzed.
Result of the study can be summarized as follows.
1. Group A among experimental groups was the best step motion by three steps through hurdle section.
2. According to the result of study, it showed record rising by 2 sec 7, and group B showed record rising 2 sec 4 but they showed record following less than 3 steps, because of hurdling, arms, legs, and an unbalanced body after landing, because they unskilled the following motion.
3. Record rising of hurdle race is necessary to spinter by using speed and then obtain a conclusion that is necessary to me a planned step coaching progress the moment they passed through hurdle by using hurdle sections, the best step numbers and balance posture whenever I trained boldness, self confidence and perseverance.
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Kinetic Analysis on the part of C.O.G. of a Human Body during Sprint Run 자연과학편 : Sprint 시(時)에 인체중심부위(人體重心部位)의 운동(運動)에 관한 분석(分析)
29(1) 51-65, 1990
Kinetic Analysis on the part of C.O.G. of a Human Body during Sprint Run 자연과학편 : Sprint 시(時)에 인체중심부위(人體重心部位)의 운동(運動)에 관한 분석(分析)
This study is to analyze the Kinetic factors on the movements of the center of gravity in human body and to distinguish the difference between left and right leg in sprint run, using dynamic strain gauges for 3 male college athletes.
Conclusions :
1) Support time and nonsupport time were 0.137sec and 0.359sec, respectively,
2) The occurred time of max. ground reaction forces was 53.7% time for support time.
3) The occurred times of max, acceleration of C.O.G, were as follows :
A. Those of the out side and in side were 43% time and 69% time in lateral movements.
B. Those of the downward and upward were 40.5% time and 55% time in vertical movements.
C. It was 70.4% time in forward movements, and the occurred time of max. deceleration was 0.025sec immediately after take-off.
4) During support with left foot, the length of the out-side and in side movements of C.O.G was 2.6 and 2.1㎝, respectively. During support with right foot, the length of the out-side and in side movements was 1.0 and 3.8㎝, respectively.
5) During support with left foot, the length of the downward and upward movements of C.O.G was 1.1 and 4.1㎝, respectively. During Support with right foot, the displacements of the downward and upward were 1.3 and 4.3㎝, respectively.
6) Difference between max. accelerations during left and right leg’s support was shown significantly in lateral and vertical movements, but was not shown significantly in forward movements.
7) Difference between accelerations during left and right leg’s support was shown significantly in the only lateral movements.
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The Effect of Endurance Training on Maximal Oxygen and Serum Constituents 자연과학편 : 지구성(持久性) 트레이닝이 최대산소섭취량(最大酸素攝取量)과 혈청성분(血淸成分)에 미치는 효과(效果)
29(1) 67-75, 1990
The Effect of Endurance Training on Maximal Oxygen and Serum Constituents 자연과학편 : 지구성(持久性) 트레이닝이 최대산소섭취량(最大酸素攝取量)과 혈청성분(血淸成分)에 미치는 효과(效果)
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of endurance training on maximal oxygen uptake and serum constituents.
The subjects selected for this experiment were done by ten male students enrolled from the Dep. of Physical Education at Dong-A University. The subjects were given to the students selected at random, without any explanation of all laboratory procedures.
The subjects were assigned to the training group, meanwhile the rest controlled group were not given any assignment. The assignments given to the training were done with Treadmill(T.K.K.Co-1245), 3 days a week, for g weeks, 15 minutes a day.
The result of this experiment were as follows ;
1. The maximal oxygen uptake and maximal ventilation increased significantly. But the maximal heart rate decreased significantly(p<0.05).
2. The resting value of blood lactate decreased significantly. But after the maximal exercise test, blood lactate increased significantly and free fatty acid decreased significantly (p<0.05) .
In conclusion, these results suggested that endurance training corresponding to 80% VO₂max be effective for the improvement of the running rate or the function of heart rate, and recognized that the training gave some change to the serum constituents.
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A Study on the physique , Somatotype and Physical Fitness in Male Adults Based on the early Soccer Clud Members 자연과학편 : 일반성인남자(一般成人男子)의 체격(體格), 체형(體型)과 체력(體力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 조기축구회원(早起蹴球會員)을 중심(中心)으로 -
29(1) 77-87, 1990
A Study on the physique , Somatotype and Physical Fitness in Male Adults Based on the early Soccer Clud Members 자연과학편 : 일반성인남자(一般成人男子)의 체격(體格), 체형(體型)과 체력(體力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 조기축구회원(早起蹴球會員)을 중심(中心)으로 -
The purpose of this study was to find characteristics of physique, somatotype and physical fitness with age group, and their correlation. The subjects were 338 early soccer club members in Chinju who were aged 20 to 55 and above.
1. Physique
1) Physique was in inverse proportion to their age group(p<0.05∼p<0.001)
2) The skinfold thickness was in order of the following ; abdominal, suprailiac, subscapular, calf, triceps.
2. Somatotype
1) Mean Somatotype of each age group showed on table 3.
2) The changing shape of somatotype showed that E type changed into C type, and then D type in the declining period.
3) Of three somatotypes, endomorphy tend to increase slowly in proportion to their age, but decrease in old age. Mesomorphy tend to decrease from 35-39 years old growp, Ectomorphy tend to decrease slowly until 35-39, and then to decrease slowly until 35-39, and then increase in all age.
4) Somatotype index was in order of the following : mesomorphy, endomorphy, ectomorphy.
5) As to the distribution of 13 somototype categories, around 80% of each age group were concenterated on three types centering the greatest number’s group.
3. Physical Fitness
1) The physical fitness score showed on table 5.
2) The physical fitness score was in inverse proportion to their age. The diminishing curve of standing broad jump, timed shuttle run and 5 minutes distance run were pastmoving as compared with that of the other items
4. Correlation
1) It proved that endomorphy had negative correlation to physical fitness items(p<0.05∼p<0.001), and mesomorphy had positive correlation(p<0.05∼p<0.001).
2) It proved that ecromorphy had positive correlation to push-ups, and 5 minutes distance run(p<0.05).
5. Multiple regressional equations between somatotype Multiple regressional equations between somatotype and physical fitness showed on table 7.
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A study on the physical fitness and physical work capacity of soccer players 자연과학편 : 축구선수(蹴球選手)들의 체력(體力) 및 운동수행능력(運動遂行能力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
최영근YoungKeunChoi , 유승희SeungHeeYoo
29(1) 89-99, 1990
A study on the physical fitness and physical work capacity of soccer players 자연과학편 : 축구선수(蹴球選手)들의 체력(體力) 및 운동수행능력(運動遂行能力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
최영근YoungKeunChoi , 유승희SeungHeeYoo
This study was to know physical fitness and physical work capacity of football player.
In order to know physical fitness from K highschool football player(25 person) and K university football player (25 person) as total 50 person, measured leg strength, back strength, power, agility, flexibility and in order to know physical work capacity, measured cycle ergometer all out time, PWC_(170), heart rate, ventilation, respiratory.
The results of data analysis are as follows :
1. Over all Physical fitness level of university football player group is(12.67%) better than high school s but in flexibility it make little difference.
2. Physical Work capacity of university football player group is generally better than highschool’s ; all out time 4.07min(33.36%), PWC170 1.53min(22.89%), running distance 5,631m(43.12%) that aerobic work capacity (33.12% ).
3. When taking a rest and exercise, heart rate of highschool football player group is more than university’ s and at maximum heart rate it is more than highschool’s
4. When taking a rest, ventilation of highschool football player group is less than university’s but when taking exercise, at ventilation and maximum ventilation it is less than highschool’s.
5. When taking a rest, at respiratory it is less than university’s and when taking exercise at respiratory it is less than highschool’s and at maximum more than high school’s.
6. University football player group take more oxygen than high school’s with low ventilation.
7. Maximum heart rate of the two is out of accordance with maximum ventilation, respiratory.
8. After exercise, heart rate, ventilation and respiratory of university football player group has been dropped abruptly between 1 and 3 minute in comparison with high school’s group since then it make little difference.
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Biomechanical Study on Dolreochagi of Taekwondo 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 돌려차기의 생체력학적(生體力學的) 연구(硏究) : 계명대학교(啓明大學校) 체육대학(體育大學)
29(1) 101-117, 1990
Biomechanical Study on Dolreochagi of Taekwondo 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 돌려차기의 생체력학적(生體力學的) 연구(硏究) : 계명대학교(啓明大學校) 체육대학(體育大學)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of dolreochagi, the technique with the most noticeabel pointrate during the Taekwondo game. The dolreochagi can be classified as perpendicular(referred to as form A in this study) and oblique kicks(or B) on the direction of the kicking foot against the target. Subjects were 10 top class players. Two 16mm high speed cine cameras(100fps) were used to film and analyze the dolreochagi by using a direct linear transformation(DLT) technique. Impact forces were simultaneously measured. The Kicking motion for dolreochagi began with lifting up the knee of kicking leg. The foot and shank contributed to kicking for target more effectively as the toe of kicking leg approached the target. And the foot and shank were accumulated much mechanical energy by the transfer of energy from the thigh till just before the impact, This kicking pattern showed to be the sensitive body control just after the maximum flexion of the kicking knee in order to perform dolreochagi, effectively and successfully. Form A dolreochagi showed larger impact velocity (p<.05) and maximum velocity (p<.05) than those of form B. Form A dulreochagi showed shorter kicking time(p<.05), more perpendicular kicking angle against the target(p<.001), and larger impulse(p<.05) than those of form B.
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A study on the recovery rate of Heart rate and blood lactic acid after maximal exercise loading 자연과학편 : 최대운동부하 후 심박수와 혈중젖산 농도의 회복률에 관한 연구
29(1) 119-128, 1990
A study on the recovery rate of Heart rate and blood lactic acid after maximal exercise loading 자연과학편 : 최대운동부하 후 심박수와 혈중젖산 농도의 회복률에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the recovery rate of Heart rate, blood lactic acid concentration of female soft-tennis and badminton players of pusan women’s university.
The subjects employed were 5 athletes of soft-tennis, 5 players of badminton.
The results obtained are summarized as follows ;
1. Results of recovery rate of Heart rate after maximal exercise loading.
Heart rate value in rest phase of soft-tennis group was 68.2±2.56bpm, and, HRmax in maximal load test was 194.4±5.12. HR at 30 min in recovery phase was 81.8±4.02, and result of recovery rate in Heart rate was 90.51±2.92%, Heart rate value in test phase of soft-tennis group was 68.2±2.56bpm, HRmax in maximal load test was 197.8±5.38, HR at 30 min in recovery phase was 72.0±4.90 and result of recovery rate in Heart rate was 97.0±2.33% (p< 0.05).
2. Results of blood lactic acid after maximal load test.
The concentration of blood lactate of soft-tennis group in test phase before treadmill test was 5.3±0.86 ㎎/㎗, The greatest value of concentration of these was 26.8±4.26㎎/㎗, at 3 min in recovery phase and at 20 min in recovery phase the concentration of recovery rate was 40.78±7.53% (P >0.05).
Concentration of this in the rest phase in Badminton group was 5.42±0.81㎎/㎗.
The greatest value of concentration of blood lactate was 33.8±2.15㎎/㎗ at 5 min after tradmill running test, the concentration of blood lactate recovery rate at 20 min in recovery phase was 44.28±2.1% (p>0.05).
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A study on the Physical fitness viewed from a point of cardio - respiratory of female softtennis and badminton players 자연과학편 : 심폐기능(心肺機能)에서 본 여자(女子) 정구(庭球) 및 배드민턴 선수(選手)들의 신체적성(身體適性)
A study on the Physical fitness viewed from a point of cardio - respiratory of female softtennis and badminton players 자연과학편 : 심폐기능(心肺機能)에서 본 여자(女子) 정구(庭球) 및 배드민턴 선수(選手)들의 신체적성(身體適性)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of Cardio-respiratory function of female Soft-tennis and badminton players of pusan Womens University.
Subjects Were 5 athletes of Soft-tennis, 5 players of badminton.
Each athletes performned treadmill exercise test composed of 13 items and 6 items for an aerobic threshold.
The results were obtained as follows :
1. Maximal aerobic power
The means of VEmax and VO₂max for two groups of athletes were 87.6±12.65l/min, 92.5±9.13l/min and 2.45±0.40l/min, 2.40±0.33l/min respectively.
The means of VO₂max/㎏. VCO₂max were 42.54±5.53㎖/㎏.min, 42.2±5.53㎖/㎏,min, and 3.26±0.76l/min, 3.02±0.33l/min respectively.
The means of HRmax and BFmax were 197.2±8.66bpm, 206.0±4.36bpm, and 56.8±6.4f/min, 66.0±9.53f/min respectively, and those of EQ-O₂max and EQ-CO₂max were 37.4±5.85. 40.0±5.11 and both soft-tennis and badminton groups were alike in 31.0(±7.59,±3.16), But differences between groups in each test items were not statistically significance.
2. Anaerobic power
The means of At-VO₂ and AT-VO₂/㎏ in each groups were 2.13±0.24l/min, 1.97±0.19l/min and 36.96±3.14㎖/㎏.min, 35.04±4.84㎖/㎏.min, respectively and those of AT-% VO₂max and AT-HR were 87.7±8.41, 83.1±8.06 and 177.2±9.92bpm, 175±4.38bpm, and those of AT-% HRmax and AT-time were 89.3±2.56. 85.1±2.73% and 12.06±0.76min, 12.58±1.72min respectively, But the differences between groups in each test item of Anaerobic power were not Statistically significant.
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A study on the comparison and analysis of cardiorespiratory functions among high school athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)들의 호흡순환기능(呼吸循環機能) 비교(比較) 분석(分析)
김종훈JongHoonKim , 김재호JaeHoKim , 김원중WonJungKim
29(1) 139-149, 1990
A study on the comparison and analysis of cardiorespiratory functions among high school athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)들의 호흡순환기능(呼吸循環機能) 비교(比較) 분석(分析)
김종훈JongHoonKim , 김재호JaeHoKim , 김원중WonJungKim
The Purpose of this study is to compare the cardiorespiratory functions(VO max, VE max, RR max, FVC, FEV 1.0 FEF 25-75%) of high school athletes and to show the present conditions of cadiorespiratory functions and the difference of cadiorepiratory functions of different kinds of sport athletes. The subjects of this study are selected from high school athletes of 52 students(baseball, wrestling, distance run, basketball, rugby).
The conclusion are as follows ;
1. Relative maximum oxygen uptake is highly ranked in order of wrestling(53.66±7.74㎖/㎏), basketball(48.55±7.15㎖/㎏), distance run(42.44±4.05㎖/㎏) and rugby group(41.25±2.83㎖/㎏), absolute maximum oxygen uptake is highly ranked in order of basketball(3.351±0.405ℓ/min), wrestling (3.174±0.699ℓ/min), rugby(2.778±0.380ℓ/min), and distance run group(2.629±0.493ℓ/min).
2. Maximum ventilation is highly ranked in order of basketball (123.00±4.50ℓ/min), wrestling(112.11±14.89ℓ/min), rugby(105.09±14.87ℓ/min), and distance run group(101.13±22.06ℓ/min), and this order is same as that of absolute maximum oxygen uptake.
3. FVC at rest is in proportion to the physique, and FVC didn’t make any effect on the maximum oxygen uptake and maximum ventilations. FEV 1.0 at rest was highly ranked in order of basketball, distance run, rugby, baseball, wrestling. But FEV 1.0% at rest was highly ranked in order of wrestling group (85.86+4.61%), and FEV 1.0% after maximum work load increased the most and then basketball and distance run group.
4. FEF 25% at rest is fastest in distance run group, but after maximum work load, FEF 25% increased the most in basketball group(p.053ℓ/sec) and other group showed almost same increase.
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Biochemical change of blood between Athletes and Non-Athletes after Harvard step test 자연과학편 : Harvard Step Test 후 운동선수, 비선수간 혈액의 생화학적 변화
손창일ChangIlSon , 이주형JooHyungLee
29(1) 151-160, 1990
Biochemical change of blood between Athletes and Non-Athletes after Harvard step test 자연과학편 : Harvard Step Test 후 운동선수, 비선수간 혈액의 생화학적 변화
손창일ChangIlSon , 이주형JooHyungLee
The purpose of this research was to compare the changes of minerals, ferment, and trig levels of the Athletes group with Non-Athletes group on plasma after Harvard step test.
The results were obtained.
1. At the test of Na, K, Cl, Ca, TG, SGOT, SGPT, LDH, all of Athletes and Non-Athletes group showed normal range in normal stage and right after the exercise.
2. Right after the exercise, the changes of Na in Athletes group were increased and the changes of Ca, Cl, SGOT, SGPT were level with that the rest. While in Non-Athletes group were decreased partly.
3. The changes of K, TG in both groups were decreased right after the exercise,
4. Right after the exercise, the changes of LDH in both groups were widely increased, especially the increase of Non-Athletes group were appeared obviously.
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A Study on the explosive strength as a punch of boxer after weight training 자연과학편 : 복싱선수들의 펀치력 강화에 관한 연구
In order to fundamental study on the explosive strength as a punch of boxer after weighted training during 12 weeks were determined in fourteen boxer in Korean national college of physical education.
As a results of this study the following conclusion were obtained:
1) In aspect of explosive strength that grip, push-ups and pull-ups test score were more high significantly increased after dumb-bell swing exercise added in weight training for experimental group, when compare those of data were excellent than the control group.
2) The correlation coefficient between pre and post-test score of grip strength was r=+0,924(p<0.01) in experimental group and that of control group was r=+0.912(p<0.01), respectively.
It is hope that the information will be use for reference in future edeavors of study in the field of boxing and physical fitness for athletic science.
Key Words
An Estimated Formula of Blood Lactate from Measuring of Excess CO2 during Submaximal Exercise 자연과학편 : 운동시(運動時) 과잉이산화탄소량(過剩二酸化炭素量)에 의한 혈중유산치(血中乳酸値) 추정(推定)
29(1) 167-175, 1990
An Estimated Formula of Blood Lactate from Measuring of Excess CO2 during Submaximal Exercise 자연과학편 : 운동시(運動時) 과잉이산화탄소량(過剩二酸化炭素量)에 의한 혈중유산치(血中乳酸値) 추정(推定)
The purpose of this study was designed to clarify the relation between excess CO₂ and blood lactate during submaximal exercise. Eight male students with no experience in any varsity level sports(age ; 20.13±1.00 years, height ; 171.19±3.70㎝, weight : 65.34±3.02㎏) were used as subjects.
Each subject had five work trials.
Test was consisted of 2min. walk and 30 min. run with 60% of maximum oxygen uptake on the 5% degree treadmill. The experiment was done at the laboratory set up with temperature of 20±1℃ and humidity of 60±5%.
Blood sample was taken four times in each trial, and blood lactate was measured at the rest, right after exercise, recovery 5min, and recovery 10min.
There was a linear correlation between excess co₂ and Δ (delta) blood lactate in all subjects. The correlation efficient was r=0.929. The regression was Y=1.958χ+2.460. In conclusion, it could be estimated the level of Δ (delta) blood lactate from the measuring of excess co₂.
Key Words
Metabolic Regulation during Constant-load Exercise Relative to the Lactate Threshold 자연과학편 : 유산성역치(乳酸性閾値)(LT)에 상당하는 강도의 운동중대사반응(運動中代謝反應)
Relationship between Blood Lipids and Aerobic Capacity in Korean Middle - aged Men and Women 자연과학편 : 우리나라 성인(成人)의 혈중(血中) 지질(地質)과 유산소적(有酸素的) 능력(能力)과의 관계(關係)
29(1) 189-199, 1990
Relationship between Blood Lipids and Aerobic Capacity in Korean Middle - aged Men and Women 자연과학편 : 우리나라 성인(成人)의 혈중(血中) 지질(地質)과 유산소적(有酸素的) 능력(能力)과의 관계(關係)
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the aerobic capacity, and blood lipid and cholesterol lipoprotein fractions in Korean middle-aged men and women. Of particular interest of this study was to examine the effect of maximal oxygen uptake on blood lipid and cholesterol lipoprotein, because changed levels of these blood components have been associated with a reduction in risk to coronary heart desease.
Seventy-nine middle-aged men and 136 middle-aged women, ages 30-49 yr., participated as volunteer subjects in this study.
Aerobic capacity was assessed by measuring the maximal oxygen uptake achieved during a Bruce treadmill test. Cholesterol and triglyceride were quantified by enzymatic methods on the Wake Cholesterol Test kit, and HDL-cholesterol determination was used for Heparin MnCl₂ precipitation. And LDL-cholesterol was calculated using the formula of Friedwald et al.
Descriptive statistics, correlation coefficients, and multiple step-wise regressions were performed by sex specific all of the variables measured and a P-value <0.05 was selected as the significant level.
The obtained results were as follows :
1. In middle-aged men, maximal oxygen uptake was associated negatively with Triglyceride, Total-cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol, but it was associated positivety with HDL-cho/Total-cho Ratio. These relationships were statistically significant(p<0.01). The calculated contributions of Triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cho/Total-cho Ratio for the total variances in maximal oxygen uptake were 9%. 9% and 5% respectively(p< 0.01).
2, In middle-aged women, maximal oxygen uptake was associated negatively with Triglyceride and LDL-cholesterol, and it was associated positively with Total-cholesterol and HDL-cho/ Total-cho Ratio, but these relationships were not statistically significant (p >0.05). The independent variables, HDL-cho/Total-cho Ratio, LDL-cholesterol, Triglyceride, cannot be explained at all for the variances in maximal oxygen uptake.
Key Words
Development and effect of coordination in the fundamental motor skills Hyo-sung women’s university 자연과학편 : 기초운동기능수행(基礎運動機能遂行)에 있어서 조정력(調整力)의 특성(特性)과 그 발달(發達)
29(1) 201-216, 1990
Development and effect of coordination in the fundamental motor skills Hyo-sung women’s university 자연과학편 : 기초운동기능수행(基礎運動機能遂行)에 있어서 조정력(調整力)의 특성(特性)과 그 발달(發達)
The purposes of this study are to clarify the factorial structure of coordination in fundamental motor skills, to investigate the developmental trend of coordination.
Samples were 2275 Korean children between 3.0 and 7.5 years of age of eight Kindergartens and four elementary schools located in Taegu. Korea.
The items were selected from 14 performance tests and 5 motor pattern tests.
The conclusions obtained were as follows :
1. Seven factors were extracted and interpreted as follows :
(1) Locomotion for basic
(2) Locomotion for combination
(3) Manipulation for propulsive
(4) Manipulation for absorptive
(5) Stability for rolling
(6) Stability for axial and
(7) Stability for one-feet
2. Each subdomain extracted as coordination factors showed great contribution to the fundamental motor skills as a whole.
3. The developmental trend of coordination due to age increase showed almost linear developmental trend in each subdomains. Especially, dominant development was found at five and six years of age.